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ISO 39001: 2012


 The standard specifies the requirements for a road traffic safety management system (RTS) to enable an organization that interacts with the system of road traffic, the reduction in deaths and serious injuries related to car accidents, on which it can have an influence.
The standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
a) Improving the performances RTS
b) Establish, implement, maintain and improve an RTS management system
c) To ensure its compliance with the RTS policy
d) Demonstrate conformity with this International Standard
The standard identifies elements for the good of the RTS management practices that enable the organization to achieve the desired results against the RTS.
The standard applies to public and private organizations that interact with the system of road traffic. It can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization's ability to meet the requirements. Experience worldwide has shown that a reduction in deaths and serious injuries can be achieved through the adoption of a common approach to the security of the RTS system. This is to define a clear and unequivocal focus on the RTS results and actions based on evidence, supported by adequate organizational management skills. The Government cannot achieve these reductions alone. Organizations of all types and sizes, as well as individual users of the road, have a very important job to do, and the ISO 39001: 2012 is a useful tool.

Contact us for information on the standard and cooperation

Structure of the RTS

  • Establishment
  • Training
  • Implementation


Unit 103, No.1324, Eshraghi Allay, North Kargar, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 1411893591

Contact info

Tel: +98 21 66947337
Fax: +98 21 43853086