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Structure of the RTS


Like all management systems based on ISO standards, even the RTS Management System is based on the logic Plan-Do-Check-Act summarized below:

PLAN (Plan): identify the objective and plan actions to be taken.
DO (Implement): to field the actions previously identified.
CHECK (Check): monitor the consistency of the results achieved with the objectives set.
ACT (Acting): consolidate the procedures adopted, if found to be correct, and introduce the necessary changes in the face of problems and / or a view to continuous improvement.


The RTS Management System, ultimately, will have to establish a management policy of adequate road safety to purposes / Organization. The policy must be based on significant aspects for the safety of road workers and contain a commitment to continual improvement and compliance with legislation. The policy should be disseminated within the organization and made available to all members (managers and employees); in other words establish appropriate goals, measurable, achievable and consistent with the commitments defined in the policy.
When the ISO 39001 will definitely approved institutions / organizations, based on the approach typical of the management systems, will be able to:
• Include road safety policies within those already established by the Organization;
• Reduce, and long-time remove the dead and seriously injured in road accidents;
• Promote the development of transport systems more capable on the road to "absorb" the consequences of human error;
• Implement different strategies to prevent accidents and to mitigate their consequences (speed limits, safety fences, etc.);
• To share with the different actors of the road transport the ethics of "shared responsibility system" in relation to road safety issues. Thus it is able to develop a shared vision and then unified between citizens and public and private entities, including for the purposes of "optimization of road safety" and how to pursue it.
In this context, programs should be developed to achieve the identified objectives, setting priorities, timetables and responsibilities, allocating the necessary resources and sensitizing the whole company towards the achievement of objectives. It is also necessary to establish the appropriate ways, in terms of procedures and practices, to manage programs. They will also have to define the organizational structure, responsibilities and duties of staff with responsibility for management, implementation and monitoring of activities that affect or may affect the safety of workers and to identify all the hazards and assess the relative risks for all workers associated with processes, operational and organizational activities Organization.

Contact us for information on the standard and cooperation

Structure of the RTS

  • Establishment
  • Training
  • Implementation


Unit 103, No.1324, Eshraghi Allay, North Kargar, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 1411893591

Contact info

Tel: +98 21 66947337
Fax: +98 21 43853086